What can you expect from this blog?

Hi, I’m Rioni, a game developer and digital artist. But… I won’t bother with presentations here, you can read more about me in the About page.

It happens that I like talking about programming quite a lot, maybe too much… I usually end up discharging bibles of text in my friends DMs. Most of the times, personalized for each one 😆. Did you see that emoji? Yep this wonderful page that I didn’t create because it’s an Hugo template support emojis.

The thing is, I thought a long time ago about building a simple devlog website, no categories, just secuential posts. But the thing is… I lost a lot of time trying to build the website, I got lost into learning Svelte, Astro, Vue… So I had two options:

  • Use a template
  • Just use a github repo with markdown files like rust-blog

The second one was too simple for me, easy to maintain but cumbersome to navigate. It was also kinda limited. I had clear that I wanted to write my posts in markdown, but I also wanted to have a table of contents, math expressions, twitter embeds… And I found Hugo, it was exactly what I wanted, except for the fact that I had to create a template of find one that I liked. And for my surprise this one existed, simple, clean, but functional. It also had multiple language suppport, but I ain’t translating my posts ><. Fun fuct, I’m Spanish, but I prefer to write in English as this language is better and more used for tech stuff and just in general to reach more people.

So, what can you expect from this blog? Well, mainly programming and tech stuff that I happen to find interesting and advances about my projects.

And well… Despite I’m using a template that gives me RSS feed, markdown with math expressions, embeds and so on… I’m probably customizing this in the future, I feel it… (And also I want to have categories).

Before ending I have something to say. No Jonathan, you aren’t getting rid of my bibles in WhatsApp about Lua despite I’ll also talk about it here.